
YOKO YOSHIZAWAの描く彼らの眼差しはチャーミングでユーモラス。
Including the strong and cute animals of Africa.
The look in their eyes drawn by YOKO YOSHIZAWA is charming and humorous.
We would be happy if you could enjoy the irreplaceable world of animals.

よしざわ ようこ
米国カリフォルニア州のPacific Art League of Palo Altoで版画を学び、
(福音館 2014/07/04、再話担当)
(2008.4 – 2009.3)
朝日ウィークリーに "Animal Idioms & Sayings" を隔週で連載(2009.4–2010.3)
福音館「母の友」に一話掲載 (2022.6, 2024.6)
Yoko Yoshizawa
She started translating picture books while she was a student of
After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University, Yoko Yoshizawa started making picture books – writing/translating stories and illustrating them.
Her career as an animal painter was accelerated after she spent 12 months in Africa (Botzawana, Namibia, Keniya) as a translator of TV crew filming wildlife.
She learned printmaking at Pacific Art League of Palo Alto, California before she became a member of Ozaki Masashi Print AStudio, Yokohama 1999.
Since 2000 her artwork has been shown in the galleries of several department stores and other venues in Japan and overseas as well as in biennial and triennial in Italy, Turky, Bulgaria, Hungary, Bosnia and Macedonia Greece. Spending a month each in a print studio in Canada and Holland as artist in residence, she showed her work in their gallery.
Her major publications include “The Long One”, retelling of a Masai folktale “Who’s in Rabbit’s House?”; “The Magic Pumpkin”, retelling of a Nigerian story; “Samlee Took Back Beans”, retelling of a Thai folktale “Boy and Crows”, published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Inc.,
Her love to animals brought her to collect more than 2,000 animal proverbs, which ended in her contributing essays “Animal Sayings in the World Relay” to monthly magazine published by Fukuinkan Shoten 2008.4 – 2009.3. She also contributed essays “Animal Idioms and Sayings” to Asahi Weekly magazine every two weeks 2009.4 – 2010.3.
“Why Hippos Live Under Water” appears in a monthly magazine “Mother’s Friend” published by Fukuinkan Shoten (2022.6, 2024.6).